Classics Illustrated Junior - Super Set (V1)


Get every Classics Illustrated Junior title in our inventory at a super discount!

Save 50% over buying each title individually. You get 32 items:

#502 The Ugly Duckling

#503 Cinderella

#504 The Pied Piper

#508 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

#509 Beauty and the Beast

#511 Puss-in-Boots

#512 Rumpelstiltskin

#513 Pinocchio

#514 The Steadfast Tin Soldier

#519 Paul Bunyan

#520 Thumbelina

#525 The Little Mermaid

#530 The Golden Bird

#531 Rapunzel

#532 The Dancing Princesses

#535 The Wizard of Oz

#536 The Chimney Sweep

#539 The Enchanted Fish

#540 The Tinder Box

#541 Snow White and Rose Red

#546 The Elves and the Shoemaker

#548 The Magic Pitcher

#551 The Queen Bee

#562 The Enchanted Pony

#563 The Wishing Well

#564 The Salt Mountain

#565 The Silly Princess

#570 The Pearl Princess

#571 How Fire Came to the Indians

#576 The Princess Who Saw Everything

Snow White Treasure Pack

Snow White Coloring Book

Detailed descriptions can be seen by clicking on the individual titles on the Classics Illustrated Junior page of this website. All titles have beautifully remastered art.

(NOTE: This is NOT a complete set of all the Classics Illustrated Junior titles that have ever been published. It includes just the titles currently in our inventory.)

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